As the Covid-19 virus spreads in Florida, many GGP residents are altering their daily habits and staying inside. Staying home is what we can do to "flatten the curve", keepourselves healthy and take pressure off of SMH.

Some GGP Condo Boards have promulgated rules to keep their residents safe. Buildings on Golden Gate Point differ in size and configuration. Many are single or two story or have outside stairwells and doors. Others have shared elevators and hallways and shared indoor amenities. What makes sense for one building may not for another.

A building with shared elevators and meeting spaces emailed its residents with thefollowing directions:

Due to current events with the COVID19 Virus the BOD and residents have come to the following decisions that they feel best for our community.

• Restriction of all visitors, including friends. We do realize there will be someexceptions.

• House keepers are discouraged but allowed to enter at unit owner’s request. We prefer they have hand sanitizer and wear mask or something covering their mouth and nose when in public areas. We are advising the cleaning crews to use the homeowner’s own vacuum.

• Nurse/aides and all other health care providers are allowed with owner’s request and are required to sanitize hands and wear mask or something covering mouth and nose if possible.

• Pool, fitness area and other amenities are closed.

• Personal trainers are not allowed in fitness center or other public area and all owners are discouraged from using them.

• No contractors or service vendors allowed unless emergency or extremely urgent.

• Side doors will be locked and all outside visitors must enter through lobby & must use provided hand sanitizer at the front desk.

• Please be advised not to congregate in the lobby area --people standing /visiting. Keep to a maximum of 2 people & stay a safe distance apart.

• Whenever possible, deliveries will be handled outside of front door/ sanitized and then delivered to the resident’s lobby area.

• No new construction projects to be allowed- finishing up current projects in a timely manner.

• No new deliveries of furniture.

• All new project applications are on a Corona Virus hold

Condos boards can evaluate CDC and other governmental guidelines which are changing. For example, the CDC says that there is no evidence Covid-19 can bespread to humans through the use of swimming pools, and proper operation, maintenance and disinfectant (with chlorine and booming) should inactivate the virus.

The CDC cautions that when there is community spread, there should be appropriate care taken both in and out of the pool to protect yourself and others. While it may not spread in chlorine, the virus may linger on nearby chairs or railings, for instance.

Each condo board must consider what makes sense for their property.

The State of Florida has information about the virus at 19. In addition, a 24/7 hotline available by calling 1-866-779-6121.